The following is a list of preliminary steps to follow to participate in an Auction.
Do your “Due Dilligence”
Download the Property Auction Package
Our PAPs contain, property descriptions, photos, terms and condtions, Sample Purchase and Sales Agreement, Property Taxes & Assesments, maps, plans and many other pertinent documents
Inspect the Property
When there is a open house take advantage of inspecting it prior to the auction. This will enable for you to see first hand what you are bidding on and help you determine value and other factors you need for bidding purposes. Foreclosed properties do not have open houses and you can not speak with the owners, or tenants.
Pre-qualify yourself
Pre-qualify there is no financing contingencies available at Auctions.
Attend an Auction
Check Newspaper, Internet or join our mailing list.. Not all Auctions companies differ on due diligence information provided and how they conduct the Auction. The Auction process happens quickly so when you decide to buy be prepared and it is important to know what to expect.
Plan your Bid Strategy
Be prepared what you are will to pay.
Register to Bid
Be there an hour before
Write out your questions.
We offer Buyer/Bid Seminars
Text Buyer/Bid Seminar: 508-815-9994